Spring Training Sports was founded on the belief that the athletic field can serve as one of the best platforms for teaching and learning many of life’s most important lessons. Teamwork, leadership, respect for others, and maximized effort are a few crucial principles that guide everything we do on the field.

Summer Baseball, Lacrosse, and Soccer Camps

Fall Baseball Leagues

Winter Break Camps

Spring Break Camps

Private Baseball Lessons

Our Philosophy

Attitude and Effort:

All Spring Training students will learn to respect and honor the game in an environment where success is measured by effort and teamwork, not by winning and losing. Whether hitting home runs or striking out, scoring goals or starting the game on the bench, it is critical that all players learn to support teammates, honor the game, and maintain the same positive approach every time they step between the lines, regardless of short-term individual accomplishments or disappointments.


Players will be challenged to act like leaders by supporting and respecting everyone involved in each program: teammates, coaches, and umpires/officials alike. A player who encourages a struggling teammate or dives for a fly-ball even though the team is losing by 10 runs is often a more valuable asset than the slugger who hits a homerun every time up at-bat. By encouraging players to “control what they can” (attitude, effort, hustle) Spring Training athletes are better prepared to deal with the highs and lows of such a difficult game as baseball.

Skill Development:

While the principles listed above are essential ingredients to becoming a complete player, Spring Training believes skill development is paramount. It is our belief that if players are taught the fundamentally correct way to approach the game’s many different skills that they will experience greater success on the field and therefore play the game with more joy. No one relishes disappointment, so by developing successful players, we increase the likelihood that they will continue to enjoy competitive sports as they grow older. By participating in drills and competitions developed over a lifetime of playing and teaching the game at all levels (from Tee Ball to the Pros), our staff is committed to producing players with a firm grounding in the fundamentals.

Become a “Student of the Game”:

All our students will be continually challenged to maximize his or her athletic potential while being encouraged to go above and beyond individual “comfort” levels. By learning new drills, techniques, and philosophies, we hope that all players will become “students of the game.” It is for this reason that we encourage all our students to learn how to play many different positions so that ultimately when a coach asks them, “What position do you play?” they can answer, “All of them!”

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